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    Pretty soon your little one is going to be babbling like never before! Celebrate and thank yourself. The special moments spent with your child helped them grow. Learning starts earlier than we might think. From birth, a baby is learning how to move, talk, and understand. They learn from their surroundings. That is why it’s[…..]

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  2. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Understanding Your Baby’s Milestones

    DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Understanding Your Baby’s Milestones

    Developmental milestones, developmental screenings, developmental delays! You might have heard these words when speaking to another parent or while researching online. You know that they must be important, but what does it all mean for your child? Milestones are achievements that your child will reach at every age. They are the exciting actions you look[…..]

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  3. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING:  A Healthy Lifestyle for a Healthy Baby

    DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: A Healthy Lifestyle for a Healthy Baby

    Nutrition before pregnancy is important for mom and baby. It is essential that you are getting all the right nutrients and maintaining a healthy weight prior to pregnancy. It might be hard to ignore those delicious, but unhealthy, foods. Taking care of your body now is important to the health and well-being of your future[…..]

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  4. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING:  Three Year Developmental Milestones

    DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Three Year Developmental Milestones

    Where has time gone? Your child is now three years old! At this age, your child should be talking, walking, responding, and playing. They have sprouted from a tiny infant into a talkative toddler. At three years old, your child should reach certain milestones that measure healthy growth and development. Important milestone areas to evaluate[…..]

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  5. The Importance of Developmental Screening for Children

    The Importance of Developmental Screening for Children

    When should my baby start talking? Is it okay if my little one isn’t walking by a year old? You have probably had many questions about your child’s growth and development, or you soon will have questions like these. Making sure your baby is on track to develop into a healthy, happy child is easier[…..]

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  6. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Parents, Do You Know the Milestones?

    DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Parents, Do You Know the Milestones?

    Babies grow at the speed of light. The first 1,000 days of a baby’s life are a period of super-fast changes in their bodies, their brains, and their emotions. Your child will learn, think, problem solve, move, grow, and develop in new ways at every age. These new achievements are called milestones! You can monitor[…..]

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  7. HELP ME GROW: Every child needs to spend quality time with a trusted adult, and be connected to their health provider and community services if their growth is not on track.

    HELP ME GROW: Every child needs to spend quality time with a trusted adult, and be connected to their health provider and community services if their growth is not on track.

    Help Me Grow through 2-1-1, developmental screening and QT 30 will support you to get there! Help Me Grow is a hotline in Delaware that supports child development, to keep kids’ growth on track. This hotline refers families to people and places that can help them monitor their child’s growth. Child development may be confusing at[…..]

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  8. American Heart Month: 4 Healthy Habits for You and Your Kids

    American Heart Month: 4 Healthy Habits for You and Your Kids

    Most deaths that are caused by CVD (Cardiovascular Disease)  are preventable, yet CVD is the most common cause of adult deaths in America. Luckily, early intervention can prevent CVD and support greater health. Teach your kids to make healthy choices from an early age to lower their risk of CVD at an older age. Healthy lifestyle choices[…..]

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