Providers and Community Partners
With your help, all Delawareans can live well and thrive.

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Our focus
The environment and people around us matter. They play a big part in the health of babies, children, and families. We all can make our communities safer and healthier.
In Delaware, Black babies are less likely to reach their first birthday than White babies. You have the power to help change the statistics. Help is available to you and those you serve.
Programs and resources for Providers & Community Partners
Discover the many programs or resources DE Thrives has for your clients and community members.
Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Grant
A key source of support for promoting and improving the health and well-being of the nation’s mothers and children — including children with special needs and their families. Funding comes from federal and state sources.
Delaware Healthy Mother & Infant Consortium

Quality improvement
Delaware Perinatal Quality Collaborative (DPQC)

Delaware Child Psychiatry Access Program (DCPAP)

Family health
Healthy Women, Healthy Babies Zones

Youth health and wellness
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)

Family health
Home Visiting

Family health
Community Health Workers

Peer Educators

Quality improvement