Providers and Community Partners
DE Thrives wants to help you reach the communities you serve. We have information, resources, and materials, as well as a variety of programs, to help your clients and communities thrive. You can click on each program to learn more and see how it can help the population you serve.

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Birth Spacing
The Birth Spacing program offers education for youth and women 18 to 34. The goal is to encourage women to plan and space their pregnancies at least 18 months apart to support healthy outcomes.
Books Balls & Blocks (BBB) Delaware
Books Balls & Blocks is a free, fun family event (virtual or in-person sessions) that provides early child development screenings for children 9 months to 5 years old using skill-building activity stations.
For more information about BBB events, please call 302-608-5757
Delaware CAN (Contraceptive Access Now)
DE Thrives connects individuals to free contraceptives, including IUDs and implants. Delaware Contraceptive Access Now (CAN) provides training and technical assistance to its health center partners to ensure all patients have access to the full range of birth control methods.
Developmental Screening
The Developmental Screening program provides quick and easy tests, guides, and advice for parents to evaluate a child’s development.
Family SHADE
Family SHADE is for children with special health care needs. There are resource downloads for families with children with special health care needs about navigating the system, obtaining dental care, recreational activities, and more.
Healthy Smiles
Smile Check is a special program offering dental services to all. It also offers both virtual and in-person services for children through a school-based initiative. Schools and community organizations can sign up to serve as Healthy Smile service locations.
Healthy Women, Healthy Babies (HWHB)
HWHB is a free program for Delaware women. The program offers personal health, wellness, nutrition, mental health, and prenatal care for women who are expecting.
Want more details or to see if your patient qualifies?
Help Me Grow (HMG)
Help Me Grow at Delaware 2-1-1 is a one-stop-shop call center that connects parents to help to ensure a healthy pregnancy, screenings to ensure a child’s growth is on track, and support provided by many organizations throughout the state.
You can call or text as often as you like! Call 2-1-1, or you can also text your ZIP code to 898211.
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Home Visiting
Evidence-based Home Visiting models address physiological, social, psychological, economic, family, and other factors influencing children’s health and development. A Family Support Specialist will visit families to give tips and offer help to connect families with services.
Delaware Family Support Hub
The Delaware Family Support Hub app simplifies your preparation and enhances your visits by putting everything you need right at your fingertips. Quickly access detailed guides, expert advice, and resources for any situation, even unexpected ones. Visit the Delaware Family Support Hub
Kicks Count
The Kicks Count program is a resource to help pregnant women. It is an evidence-based practice that shows regularly counting kicks of the unborn baby and recording the results can serve as an early warning system when daily patterns change. The program also offers a toolkit for providers that contains guidelines and materials for patients to take home.
Man Up Plan Up
The Man Up Plan Up program has resources to help men plan for the future. Whether it’s parenting advice, protection, or sexual myth-busting, Man Up Plan Up provides the tools men can benefit from to be in charge of their future.
My Life. My plan: Teen
Encourages teens to make healthy decisions and get themselves on track to live life their way. It helps them understand that their decisions have lasting effects on their lives.
My Life. My Plan: Women
Helps women set goals and make decisions while also learning more about themselves. The life plan offers tips to plan for their desired future and teaches them proper planning techniques to reach their goals.
Newborn Screening
The Newborn Screening Program — including heart, blood spot, and hearing screenings — helps find health disorders in newborn babies early, to ensure they receive the services and care they need.
The Delaware Early Hearing Detection Intervention (EHDI) program works to ensure that families of babies and children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) receive appropriate and timely services. These services include a hearing screening, diagnosis, and early intervention (EI), as well as parent-to-parent support, provided through coordinated systems of care.
NCHAM: Early Intervention
NCHAM: Changing Lives
Safe Sleep
The Safe Sleep program gives tips and resources to ensure that families reduce the risk of Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID) by using safe sleep practices.
Quality Time 30 (QT-30)
Quality Time 30 reminds parents that 30 minutes of quality time each day can make a difference in a child’s development. The program offers suggestions and examples of ways to spend quality time with activities for all ages and categories. QT 30 also is available as an app to keep quality time activity ideas with you on the go.
Need ideas? Download our app!
There are videos of activities and even a timer to make sure kids get their full 30 minutes of time!
Ready to partner with us?
Join us in our efforts. It takes not only those in health care but also partners in the community, housing, safety, and public transportation, and so many others.