DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Parents, Do You Know the Milestones?
Posted in:MomsDadsYour Growing ChildDevelopmental Screening
Babies grow at the speed of light. The first 1,000 days of a baby’s life are a period of super-fast changes in their bodies, their brains, and their emotions. Your child will learn, think, problem solve, move, grow, and develop in new ways at every age. These new achievements are called milestones! You can monitor your child’s milestones to make sure they are on track, but what happens if you think something may be off?
It is okay to have a million questions about your child and parenting. Do you know where you can get information, you can trust? Your aunt may give you one answer and your cousin may give you another. How do you know what is best for your child? Who has the best parenting advice? When it comes to your child, go to the professionals for help.
Help Me Grow is a hotline for parents, caregivers, and anyone in Delaware who has questions about children. Dial 2-1-1 to reach Help Me Grow! The experts at Help Me Grow can help you find the resources you need to support your child and can refer you to professional services that fit your needs. Don’t hesitate if you have questions. Get answers in one call!