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SAFE SLEEP: A Simple Switch Saves Lives

Posted in:Safe Sleep


Safe Sleep Long Live Dreams in DelawareParenting is challenging. The books say one thing, your friends say another. It is a constant struggle to find the ultimate guide to childcare. But, one thing is certain. Parents want nothing more than to keep their little one safe. Lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by following the rules of safe sleep.

Empty Crib: Objects in the crib increase the risk of suffocation or strangulation. Keep your baby’s crib empty. Remove all stuffed animals, blankets, bumper pads, and sleep positioners.

Backs to Sleep: A baby should always be put to sleep on his or her back, never on the stomach. The risk of suffocation is higher for a baby sleeping on the stomach.

  • What works: Keep tummy time for playtime only. Tummy time is important for your child’s growth and development. It helps strengthen the back and neck muscles needed to crawl, sit, and walk. During the day, dedicate small periods of supervised time for tummy time!

Room-sharing: All babies should sleep in a crib. Your newborn should not sleep in the same bed as you and your significant other. Motherhood brings a higher level of exhaustion. Even if you think you are a light sleeper, there is always the risk of rolling over onto your child.

  • What works: Move the crib to the side of the bed. In fact, co-sharing of a room is encouraged!  Sleep in the same room. Keep your little one within reach to make caring for them easier during the middle of the night.

A Smoke-Free Home: Second-hand smoke is dangerous for you and your child. As a newborn, the lungs and heart are still developing. Inhaling smoke in a short amount of time is harmful to those tiny lungs.

  • What works:  Kindly ask people to leave the area around you and your baby. The people in your life should respect your request.


Take the safe sleep pledge.  Create a safe environment for your newborn where they can thrive. Inform babysitters and other caregivers about the importance of following the rules. You can find more information and resources on safe sleep by visiting our site.  Long live dreams!


© 2024. Delaware Division of Public Health.