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QT30: Promoting learning through activities

Posted in:DadsMomsQuality Time 30Your Growing Child


QT30 Promoting Learning Through Activities

Make time for play time- 30 minutes of laughing, moving, and learning. A simple 30 minutes of educational activities does wonders for your growing child. What happens to a sponge placed in water? It grows. Just like the sponge, the mind of a child is constantly growing and absorbing all that it can from the surrounding environment. Play activities between parent and child fosters the learning of language, important for future success. Time spent with your little one ensures the growth of a smart, healthy toddler!

Use quality time to teach in a fun, interactive way. Below are learning activities to do with your child that support their attention, memory and thinking.  Try one or try all!

A is for Apple- Practice the alphabet! Get those safety scissors ready and help your child cut out the letters of the alphabet. When that is finished, have your child place the cutouts on objects around the house that begin with that letter.

Block printing- Help your child dip blocks in different color non-toxic paint. You can have them tell you the color on each block. Try mixing the paint together. What color do they have now? If you have different shapes, ask them to point to the different shapes and colors. Get in on the fun! Guide them in dipping the blocks while you pronounce the colors aloud.

Creative time- Popsicle sticks are always fun! Create shapes and letters! Your little ones will have a blast! They can also color, write, or design the sticks to their liking! Use the leftover sticks to create a Popsicle house. Let them explore their creative side. This promotes children’s memory and thinking including how they use the small muscles in their fingers to grasp, release and use objects.

Delaware Thrives promotes QT30; a project encouraging families to set aside time for their child. It is important to spend at least 30 minutes each day to help our children grow up well. Do you need more enjoyable quality time activities? Visit here:

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