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QT30: Fall decorations

Posted in:DadsMomsQuality Time 30Your Growing Child


Make the month of October all about Halloween themed decorations! Focus family quality time on creating crafts and decorations for the occasion. Quality time is a way for parent and child to bond. It presents great teachable moments and helps children express themselves.

Start sharing laughs and creating memories with these simple Halloween themed activities!

Paper Mummies: Cut up strips of toilet paper and glue onto an empty cardboard toilet paper roll. Draw on eyes with a marker and attach pipe cleaners for arms to make your toilet paper mummy come to life!

Pumpkin: Create a pumpkin decoration for your home. Take a paper plate and have your child color it orange with markers or paint. Take orange construction paper and cut two strips for legs. Use markers or paint to create eyes and a mouth in the middle of the paper plate.

Ghost: Cut paper into a shape of a ghost. Glue cotton balls onto the piece of paper. Color one of the cotton balls black or cut out black paper for the eyes and a ghostly smile!

Every moment you spend with your child is a learning moment. It encourages growth and sparks new milestones. Crafts not only strengthen the bond between you and your child, they also help with their development in all areas, including supporting large and small muscle development and hand-eye coordination! For additional simple #QT30 activities, visit the Delaware Thrives activities page.

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