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QT30: An Activity per Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Posted in:Quality Time 30



Every day should be a quality time day. Quality time activities can range from reading as a family, to nature walks, to arts and crafts. Parents that interact with a child from birth promotes positive development. Build skills that your baby needs to reach specific milestones. Delaware Thrives recommends at least 30 minutes per day.  Yet, the more time you interact with your child, the more they learn and absorb new information.  Here are seven quality time activities you and your child can complete this week!

Day 1: Turkey Baster Fun. Put your Thanksgiving Turkey Baster to use after the holidays. Fill a bucket with water. Show your little one how to squeeze the bulb to draw water into the baster and then squeeze it again to squirt it out.

Day 2: Foot Tracing. Have your child stand on a piece of paper while you trace around his/her feet with a crayon or pen. Trace your feet and compare the sizes. Color them in with non-toxic markers, paint, or crayons!

Day 3: Imitate Me. See if you can get your baby to do the same thing that you do: roll over, clap, smile, etc. Add music in the background for extra fun.

Day 4: Fort Building. Create a fort using blankets and chairs. Crawl underneath as a family and snuggle up to read, tell stories, or have a snack.

Day 5: Read Together. Bedtime is the perfect opportunity to cuddle up with your child and read. Let your child choose the book. Read to them or read together.

Day 6: Q-Tip Art. Super easy and interesting activity using Q-Tips and paint. Your child can dot the paint on a piece of paper or use it as a paintbrush.

Day 7: Tennis Time. Create an indoor tennis game that is safe and fun! Decorate a paper plate. Attach a Popsicle stick to use as a tennis racket handle. Blow up a balloon for the tennis ball. Clear some space in your living room and get ready to challenge your little one to a game of tennis.

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life is when the most growth happens. One special benefit of quality time is a child’s readiness for school. The more ready a child is for school, the better they do later in life. Give your child a healthy start with quality time. Share your quality time activities with other parents and caregivers on our community wall.

© 2025. Delaware Division of Public Health.