Home Visitor Wrap-Around Training Update
Posted in:Home Visiting Newsletter
In response to suggestions, you all offered, these wrap-around training sessions are currently scheduled for 2021-22.
- Late November / early December: How to Have a Difficult Conversation (three-hour session)
- March: Resiliency and Self-Care (two-hour session)
- Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (delayed until we can meet in person)
- Refresher on Motivational Interviewing (delayed until we can meet in person)
For the time being, our plan is to deliver training sessions via Zoom. All registrations are handled online. You will receive an automated confirmation of your registration.
Watch your email for registration information or check the Home Visitor Training webpage at
Your ideas for future training topics are always welcome. Send them to
Transfer of Learning Revisions to Lightbulb Report
Our emphasis on encouraging you to take what you learn in wrap-around training sessions and apply it to your work (aka transfer of learning) will continue in 2021-22.
In fact, we’re expanding the Lightbulb Report to include sections to be completed before, during, and after each training session, to encourage home visitors and supervisors to partner up on transfer of learning discussions and activities during reflective supervision.
Supervisors will receive more details on the revised Lightbulb Report prior to our scheduled November training session. Home visitors will receive a copy of the new Lightbulb Report, plus more specific information on its use, when they register for a training session.
Submitted by
Janet Umble
Home Visitor Wrap-Around Training