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HELP ME GROW: National Endometriosis Awareness Month – Problems Getting Pregnant

Posted in:Help Me Grow


DE - Blogs - HMG - EndometriosisMany times women have unexpected pregnancies, meanwhile many people who are ready to start a family have difficulty getting pregnant. A great source for women who have an unexpected pregnancy or women who are having trouble getting pregnant is Help Me Grow.

5 million American women a year are effected by Endometriosis. A major side effect of endometriosis is infertility. Pelvic pain, bleeding, spotting, and infertility are common symptoms of endometriosis. A woman who is infertile has difficulty getting pregnant after one year of attempts or she may not be able to stay pregnant. Do you want to learn more about endometriosis? You can learn through the Office of Women’s Health here. You can also dial 2-1-1 to speak with Help Me Grow about where you can find help if you have other pregnancy concerns.

Help Me Grow is a program in Delaware that connects you to the experts if you think you may be infertile. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with a Child Development Specialist and they will make sure you are connected to the resources you need. After Help Me Grow makes a referral, they check in with you to make sure you got the help you needed. If not, they will provide you with more options. Many people who do have Endometriosis do get pregnant. Help Me Grow can help you start motherhood on the right foot and guide you through pregnancy and parenthood. It is easy — just dial 2-1-1.

Let us know what you think, and also tell us about your success with Help Me Grow and other programs. Use the hashtag #HelpMeGrowDE and #DEThrives. Check out DE Thrives twitter and DE Thrives Facebook for daily updates.

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