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HELP ME GROW: Cold Season

Posted in:DadsHelp Me GrowMomsYour Growing Child



Cold and flu season is here!  It’s true, your baby can get a cold any time of the year. But, the winter tends to bring more germs than usual. Your baby is still building up their immune system. It is easier for him or her to pick up germs. Family members or child care centers can easily expose your baby to unwanted germs.  Sniffling nose or watery eyes can be signs of a common cold. High fevers and unpleasant coughs could be a sign of the flu. How can you be certain? Here is a guide by KidsHealth to tell the difference between the two:


It is important to speak to a doctor or specialist if you think your baby is ill. If your child is not behaving normal, dial 211 to speak to a Help Me Grow specialist. Help Me Grow does more than help you track your child’s development. Help Me Grow is also a central point for information and resources for parents and families. Keep your baby happy and healthy.


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