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HELP ME GROW: 366 million people worldwide are projected to have diabetes mellitus in the year 2030

Posted in:MomsDadsYour Growing ChildHelp Me Grow


Your children are more likely to have diabetes if they are overweight.   Over the past three decades, the number of kids who are considered obese has increased dramatically in the United States. More children and adolescents are being diagnosed today with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  Previously, type 2 diabetes mellitus wasn’t seen until adulthood. Keep kids fit and act early by incorporating healthy practices into their lives from day one.

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The American Academy of Pediatrics provides recommendations to help manage T2DM among individuals 10-18 years old. Some of the methods to prevent and treat type 2 Diabetes go hand and hand:

  • Keep active. Exercising is very important to keep your child healthy. It is key to keeping child’s weight in check to prevent and treat Type 2 Diabetes.


  • Reduce screen time. Screen time contributes to an inactive lifestyle for your child, especially when your child eats while watching television or playing computer games. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that individuals limit “screen time” spent watching television to less than 2 hours per day unless the use is related to work or homework.


  • Teach your child about good nutrition. If your child is at an age where they can walk and talk, including them in making meals may open them up to trying new and healthy foods! Good nutrition is key to managing weight.

Do you have questions about your child’s health? Do you need access to healthier options for you and your family? Child development specialists at help Me Grow can connect you to programs and services near you! Dial 2-1-1 or text 3-2-231-1464 to reach the Help Me Grow hotline.

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