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Healthy Families Delaware Shares Success Stories

Posted in:Home Visiting Newsletter


​We continue to be amazed by the extraordinary families we work with throughout our statewide Healthy Families Delaware (HFD) program. So we are celebrating three moms who have persevered despite their challenges and are truly a testament to the word RESILIENCY.

Mom has been a consistent partner with HFD for two years. She’s been a very involved stay-at-home mom with two children and is now re-entering the workforce in hopes of helping other moms (families) like HFD helped her. 

Mom has submitted her petition for graduation in December 2021 with her master’s degree from Wilmington University. This first-time mother managed school and work while caring for her 1-year-old baby. 

Mom enrolled in January 2021. She completed six months of weekly visits, with minimal missed visits. 

Mom just celebrated one year of sobriety. In that time, she has engaged with NA and attended meetings regularly. She’s also connected with mental health support, become employed, and started a fitness routine focusing on her health and well-being. 

 Please check the Children & Families First website for job opportunities:

Submitted by

Asia Summers
Healthy Families Delaware Supervisor
Children & Families First
809 N. Washington St.
Wilmington, DE 19801
302-540-3315 (cell)

© 2025. Delaware Division of Public Health.