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Posted in:Health EquityMen’s HealthTeensWoman’s Health


We all know that eating the right kinds of food helps maintain a healthy weight. It helps improve our mental health, makes us feel good, and gives us energy. Where we work, live, and play explains why some individuals are healthier than others. These conditions, known as the social determinants of health, address why some communities are not as healthy as they should be. The access to grocery stores, transportation to get there, and employment differ by neighborhood. The ability to access these services impact access to healthy food.

Family life is impacted when a family does not have a reliable means of transportation or a local grocery store. The access to healthy, inexpensive food is one way to help ensure all residents in a community avoid negative health outcomes. Nutrition for pregnant women or women thinking about pregnancy is important. Healthy eating during pregnancy is crucial for both mom and baby. Mothers that eat unhealthy may be putting their child at risk of developing health issues. Health risks include obesity, diabetes, low birth weight, and other harmful disease. Poor eating habits develop due to the lack of fresh nutritious foods. Not giving your child the right nutritious foods from the start has long-term consequences well into adulthood. Communities that work towards improving access to healthy foods can help reduce obesity among children and families.

The elimination of health disparities can help achieve top health for all. Delaware believes that all children should have opportunities for good overall health and well-being. Find out how you can help achieve health equity in Delaware by visiting The Health Equity Action Center. If you or someone you know needs help getting access to nutritious foods contact the Delaware WIC program.

© 2025. Delaware Division of Public Health.