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QT30: Wintertime Outdoor Activities!

Posted in:Quality Time 30


QT 30 - Frozen Fun Blog Header

Do you spend at least 30 minutes of quality time with your kids a day? Focus on the quality of the time you spend with your kids. Not the quantity! Designate 30 minutes each day to spending quality time with your little ones. Your full attention should be on them! Give the gift of quality time to children. Here are simple activities to try during the winter!


QT 30 - Activity - Snow PaintSnow Paint – This is a quick and fun activity to play with kids and it costs almost nothing! Fill up a giant squirt bottle with water. Then add a drop or two of food coloring. Head outside with your kids and spray the snow with the bottle. You are ready to paint the snow! Use more than one bottle and use a different color food coloring in each bottle to make a rainbow!




QT 30 - Activity - Build Snow Castles Build Snow Castles – You and your kids may be dreaming of warmer days at the beach, so why not pretend to you are at one? Break out all the sand toys or use your hands to make snow castles with your kiddos!





QT 30 - Activity - Create a Snow FortCreate a Snow Fort – Do your kids always want to make forts? Take them outside! Start making small walls out of snow and then cover the top of the fort with an old blanket. Remember to leave one wall open to use as a door! It’s easier than making an igloo and you can play make believe in the fort once it is complete!




QT 30 - Activity - Winter Farmers MarketWinter Farmers Market Adventurearmers Market Adventure – The East Coast Indoor Farmers Market is located in Millsboro, Delaware. Visit their website for more information! Take a trip to the farmers market with your kids. Explain the different types of fruits and vegetables!




When you spend quality time with your kids you may start to have questions about child development. Is your child reaching the proper milestones for his or her age? Dial 2-1-1 to reach the Help Me Grow hotline to get connected to professionals in your area. Help Me Grow is a hotline that specializes in helping parents get connected to the resources they need to help support their child. Don’t hesitate if you have questions. Dial 2-1-1!

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