Expanding the Reach of MSHAC with a New Partner Flyer
Posted in:Home Visiting Newsletter
The charge of MSHAC is to plan how to serve families with a substance use disorder better through a multiagency approach. Agenda topics for these meetings have included:
- Sharing resources and educational materials
- Updates from local treatment providers
- Coordination of services and referrals
- Tips for using the DFS reporting hotline
- Related state legislation
- Walking through case studies involving specific substance use disorder cases in each agency.
(Click on the image above to
Supervisors and agency representatives are asked to relay information back to their staff of professionals, who work directly with clients with substance use disorders as well as their families.
For more information, or if you would like to get involved with MSHAC, please reach out to the contacts below:
Alana Moffa
DFS, New Castle County
Emily A. Thompson, MSM
DPH, Kent County
Lisl D. Phelps, RN, MSN
DPH, Sussex County