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Every woman every time Delaware: The Well Woman Initiative

Mother holding baby smiling

Project Origin

Women who have high levels of health before pregnancy have healthier reproductive outcomes. A mounting body of evidence supporting efforts which focus on prevention, early detection of disease, and counselling rather than the annual cervical cancer screen being the linchpin for care has been underway since 2016. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology launched the Women’s Preventive Services Initiative recommending women receive at least one preventive care visit per year beginning in adolescence and continuing across the lifespan to ensure that the recommended preventive services, including preconception and many services necessary for prenatal and interconception care, are obtained.

The groundswell nationally is transitioning away from the more traditional approach of the past to a newer comprehensive approach under a reshaped and well-defined umbrella known as well-woman care. It is with this approach in mind that Delaware has embarked upon launching Every Woman Every Time Delaware!

Every Woman Every Time Delaware takes a comprehensive evidence-based approach to building upon the traditional approach to reproductive health, reimagining this episode of care to become more encompassing to meet the diverse and oftentimes complex needs of reproductive-age women. It espouses primary preventive care involving not only those practicing in the area of reproductive health but is also inclusive of all medical specialties. This approach to well-woman care is opportunistic in nature, taking advantage of engaging women at every health encounter. It supports women preconceptionally who may become pregnant, providing the best opportunity to impact reproductive and pregnancy-related outcomes.

Project Objectives & Goals

The overarching goal of Every Woman Every Time Delaware is to ensure women of reproductive age receive at least one annual comprehensive preventive well woman visit that addresses the following areas:

  • Pregnancy intention screening
  • Assessment of health risk behaviors via prevention and health education
  • Managing chronic health conditions
  • Identification of social determinants of health with subsequent linkage to services and resources

Project Strategies & Outcomes

DHMIC is in the process of creating a series of well-woman care toolkits that will contain information for a variety of target audiences, consumers, providers, and community agencies. View the infographic created to increase awareness.

Project Next Steps

DHMIC has identified key partners integral to developing strategies for developing and disseminating broad education as well as supporting necessary system change. They include 4 major stakeholder groups:

  • Division of Medicaid & Medical Assistance (DMMA) and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
  • Healthy Women, Healthy Babies Programs
  • Health Care Providers
  • Community-Based Organizations

DHMIC plans to convene with national thought leaders and experts to develop its well-woman care initiative by leveraging technical assistance opportunities offered through participation with the national Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN).

Interested in learning more? Please contact us for more information.

© 2025. Delaware Division of Public Health.