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Tobacco and Pregnancy Don’t Mix


4.17.14-may-2014-blog-imagery2Today is World No Tobacco Day! Women who smoke during pregnancy put themselves at a higher risk of miscarriage. Smoking harms the placenta, the baby’s source of food and oxygen, by separating it from the womb and causing growth disruption. This disruption puts the baby at risk for:

–          Premature birth

–          Low birth weight

–          Prolonged ICU hospital stay, away from mother

–          SUID (Sudden Unexplained Infant Death), commonly referred to as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

–          Birth defects (such as cleft lip and cleft palate)


Although it is important to become “cigarette-free” from the time you become pregnant, it is never too late for an expectant mother to quit smoking! The most important thing to remember is that you should strive to quit smoking for good– not just when you’ re pregnant.


Quit for you. Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, various forms of cancer, lung disease, and other health problems. Get back your energy, your time, your money, and your hygiene.


Quit for your baby. It only takes one day of not smoking to give your baby double the amount of oxygen they were receiving in the womb before. Their risk for being born too early or have problems with their cognition, behavior, language, and even growth.


Do not allow people to smoke around your child. You may need to politely ask co-workers and family to change their routine around you, but it will be worth it. Second-hand smoke inhaled by pregnant women has been shown to affect the weight of the baby. When babies breathe in cigarette smoke, they often get severe ear infections and can develop asthma. Babies who breathe in smoke are also more likely to die from SUID.

Need help to quit?  Call the Delaware Quitline 1-866-409-1858 or visit:

Learn more by following these links:

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